1. Owlboy
Explore a vibrantly crafted pixel world in this flying adventure platformer. Being a mute, Otus struggles living up to the expectations of owl-hood.
By D-Pad Studio
2. Owlboy | Nintendo Switch download software | Games
13 feb 2018 · Een liefdesbrief aan de pixel art, voor een nieuw publiek. In Owlboy verken je een open wereld met een unieke mix van vliegen en platformactie.
Een platformer waar zwaartekracht geen spel speelt!

3. Quick Look – Owlboy (#Maytroidvania) - Nerd Girl Thoughts
20 mei 2023 · Owlboy is a checkpoint-based save game, rather than a save anywhere game, I got very frustrated very quickly.
I had such high hopes for Owlboy. I didn’t necessarily think I would finish the game, mind you, but I thought I’d get further than I did. I’m trying to gently ease myself into mor…

4. Owlboy Review - IGN
2 nov 2016 · A charming, action-packed 2D adventure brimming with variety, with a bittersweet story I won't soon forget.
A charming, action-packed 2D adventure brimming with variety, with a bittersweet story I won't soon forget.

5. Owlboy Review: Embracing Virtue - Level Up Your Gaming Experience
7 apr 2018 · Owlboy follows Otus, an owl denizen of floating isles, as he undertakes his training. Unfortunately, Otus cannot speak and is looked down upon because of it.
Articles like this are made possible by the support of our Deer Patrons. If you like what we’re doing here at The Reformed Gamers, please consider supporting

6. Owlboy on GOG.com
Owlboy is a 'high-bit' adventure game, where you can fly and explore a brand new world in the clouds! Pick up your friends, and bring them with you as you ...
Owlboy is a 'high-bit' adventure game, where you can fly and explore a brand new world in

7. Owlboy (Nintendo Switch) Mini Review - CGMagazine
22 jan 2018 · Owlboy is easily a game after my heart with it's gorgeous retro aesthetic, and the fact that it features my number one favourite bird (for ...
Owlboy is a masterpiece. Plain and simple.

8. Owlboy Review - GameGrin
20 jun 2018 · Yes, cheesy dialogue aside, I had the wonderful opportunity to try out D-Pad Studios' action-adventure title of the same name. Let me just state ...
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s everyone’s favourite hero, Owlboy! Yes, cheesy dialogue aside, I had the wonderful opportunity...

9. Owlboy | Nintendo Switch download software | Games
My Nintendo Store · Super Mario · The Legend of Zelda · Super ... Owlboy. System: Nintendo Switch Release date: 13/02/2018. Download to console. £18.99.
The platformer that ignores gravity.

10. Rainbow In The Dark: Owlboy - Waltorious Writes About Games
2 sep 2024 · For me, Owlboy is a lot like Iconoclasts: I first played an early demo version of it years and years ago, back when high-quality indie games ...
11. Is Owlboy Any Good? - GameGrin
6 nov 2021 · Owlboy is a gorgeous title, with pixelated graphics that make my eyes go "yes." However, apart from the beautiful visuals, the game feels rather ...
Every now and then you’ll look at a game store page and see that it’s got pretty good reviews, and...

12. Owlboy - Analog Stick Gaming
19 feb 2018 · There is a lot to like about this game, but its controls, technical issues and a lack of a map really didn't let me enjoy it as much as I should ...
Being a console gamer, I missed the original release of Owlboy on PC, a game nearly a decade in development and receiving a ton of positive praise and industry recognition. The game has finally made its way to a home console with the Nintendo Switch and frankly, I don't see what all the fuss was abo

13. creators of Owlboy - D-Pad Studio
1 nov 2016 · "..reminds me of a Genesis version of Wind Waker." - Luke Plunkett ... "Owlboy(Demo) - No Owl's Sky" - Jim Sterling (Youtube); "Karl ...
Join our Owlboy Newsletter!
14. Owlboy - iam8bit
Owlboy Boguin Plush. $ 35.00. $ 24.50. The cuddly Boguin from D-Pad ... My Wishlist Continue. You've just added this product to the cart: Go to cart ...
iam8bit creates unique, exclusive and limited merchandise for video game, movie and TV brands. From Collector’s Edition physical games to vinyl soundtracks, CDs, fine art prints, posters, lapel pins, books, plush, apparel and beyond.
15. Review: Owlboy - I Wasn't Prepared For This - WordPress.com
27 mrt 2018 · Owlboy is a 2D action-adventure game developed and published by D-Pad Studio. Originally released back on November 1, 2016, I got my first real ...
Controls Used: Xbox One Controller Owlboy is a 2D action-adventure game developed and published by D-Pad Studio. Originally released back on November 1, 2016, I got my first real exposure to Owlboy…

16. Switch Re:Port #5: Fe, Owlboy, Portal Knights, and more | GodisaGeek.com
15 feb 2018 · I had my eye on Owlboy around the time it released on PC for a variety of reasons. D-Pad Studio's trailers caught my eye with the stunning ...
Fe, Owlboy, Portal Knights, Mercenaries Saga Chronicles, RunGunJumpGun

17. Game Review – Owlboy | K.K.Atlas - WordPress.com
22 mei 2017 · Let me explain. Unlike the other owls, Otus is mute. He is mocked and ridiculed for his incompetence, and it's clear he's considered a ...
Every owl has his day Review copy purchased. It was a matter of minutes before I realised something crucial about Owlboy: it isn’t just a pretty platformer. Adorable characters and the promis…